WIP CEU Webinar Series: Childhood Disability Benefits & Disabled Widow(er)’s Benefits: Nepotism, Social Security Style
Most people who get Social Security Title II Disability benefits receive them based on their own earnings records. But Title II can also be a family affair. A person can receive a Childhood Disability Benefit (CDB – also known as a Disabled Adult Child benefit) on a parent’s (or sometimes a grandparent’s) work record. A person can receive a Disabled Widow’s or Widower’s Benefit (DWB) based on earnings of their deceased spouse. You’re probably familiar with these basics. You probably also know that people receiving CDB or DWB can use the same work incentives as people who receive SSDI on their own work records. But that’s just the beginning.
This webinar travels deep into the weeds of CDB and DWB. It covers details about each benefit, including:
· Eligibility
· Waiting period (if any)
· Retroactivity
· Dual entitlement (with another Title II benefit)
· When it may be reduced
· When it terminates
· Work incentives
· How to become re-entitled
· How to apply
· Medicare eligibility
· What happens at full retirement age
As a bonus, the session explains how a child with a disability who receives a Child’s Benefit can transition to CDB at age 18, and when a person can qualify for CDB on a grandparent’s work record.