
WIP CEU Webinar Series: Section 301: Sometimes It’s Not Even Over When It’s Over


April 15 2025 1-3 pm ET

Almost all work incentives help protect benefits when individuals work.  If a beneficiary is found to have “medically improved”, however, these work incentives are powerless to continue benefits.  One relatively little-known work incentive can temporarily continue benefits even after a person is found to have medically improved.  Section 301 allows for cash and medical benefits to continue when a person who has medically improved is participating in special education, VR or similar services that will decrease the chances that the person will go back on benefits in the future.


Section 301 is a potent instrument for Work Incentive Practitioners – the only work incentive that can continue benefits after SSA finds a person has medically improved.  Although it’s temporary, Section 301 can continue benefits long enough for an individual to acquire additional work skills and find alternatives to benefits (such as employment and other ways to get medical insurance).  If you’ve always thought a person who has medically improved has no hope of continuing benefits, then you need to learn about Section 301.


This webinar explains:


Who is eligible for Section 301

How to request Section 301 and the forms to complete

Which kinds of services a person can participate in to qualify for Section 301

How Social Security determines whether program participation will decrease the likelihood that a person will return to the benefit rolls in the future…and in which situation SSA does not need to determine this

How long Section 301 benefits can continue

Continuing reviews of Section 301 eligibility after a person has been approved

What happens to Section 301 benefits when a person works for pay

How appeals of medical improvement and Section 301 can work together

How to appeal Section 301 denials

The differences between Section 301 and the Ticket to Work as tools to prevent benefit termination due to medical improvement